Nutritional and vitamins for infant
The primary aim of infant feeding is to provide adequate nutrition and vitamins for the infant. It helps to bear in mind also that while breastfeeding is undoubtedly best if, for whatever reason, you don’t breastfeed your baby, he will be perfectly all right fed from a bottle. Don’t feel guilty if you make this decision; concentrate on the needs of your newborn.
As important as any milk is the love and affection that you give your child (see What is colostrum and why is it important). The important rule to remember is to take your lead from your child; as long as you offer a wide variety of foods he doesn’t have to have “essential” foods every day. Remember, above all, that food is a pleasure.
Nutritional and vitamins for infant to 1 year
A baby grows more quickly during the first six months than at any other time in his life. Most double their birth weight in around four months and triple it by the time they are about a year old. To grow, your baby needs protein, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. Until he’s at least six months old, your baby will receive these in the form of milk. When he’s started on solids, he will get all he needs from a well-balanced diet. During the first six months, a baby needs slightly more than 100 calories per kilogram (2lb) and from six months to one year slightly less than 100 calories per kilogram (2lb).
Most of the protein that a baby takes in is used for growth, and the protein requirements during the first year are correspondingly higher than at any other time of life; they are three times greater than those for adults. Milk, as long as it is given in adequate amounts, provides all the protein that a newborn infant needs.
The body needs minute traces of fatty acids for growth and repair. The fat content of both breast and formula milk is about the same, but in human milk the droplets of fat are smaller and so more digestible.
These are major energy providers. Both breast and formula milk contain the same carbohydrates, although the carbohydrate level is slightly higher in breast milk.
Trace elements
Your baby needs traces of certain minerals like zinc, copper, and fluoride. The first two are present in both breast and formula milk. Fluoride, however, is not and infants need fluoride to protect them against dental decay. If fluoride is added to the drinking water in your area, a low-fluoride toothpaste will provide enough additional fluoride. If it’s not, you may need to use a high-fluoride toothpaste for your child or even give supplements, but only with your dentist’s guidance. If you’re in doubt, contact your water authority.
Minerals and vitamins for infant
Breast-milk is short of nothing except vitamin d for infants. The primary source of this is the sun, which stimulates the skin to manufacture it. If you live in a cold climate, or if your child has a very dark skin, you may need to give vitamin D supplements; ask your doctor for advice. See Best Baby Vitamin D supplements
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If you bottle feeds your baby, all vitamin needs will be satisfied by the formula.The rapid growth of bone and muscle during the first year means that babies have a greater need for minerals like calcium, phosphorous and magnesium than adults. All babies are born with a stock of iron that will last for up to four months; after this, iron has to be added to the diet, usually in the form of solids, but possibly as iron supplements. Breast-milk and cow’s milk are both pretty low on iron; formula milk usually has iron added.
Nutritional and vitamins for infant