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Hands free pumping bra for work

Hands free pumping bra for work

Timing refers to the timing of your pumping, meaning the times of day when you pump. It can also refer to how long to pump. Both are important keys in the scheme of using a breast pump. Everyone has a hormonal clock. That clock will dictate which hormones are peaking when. While we can make general statements, such as more milk tends to be available in the mornings due to standard hormone levels, this might not be true for you. Your first step is to try to pump at various times of the day to see what works best for you. Do you get more milk pumping mid-morning versus early morning?

Hands free pumping bra for work
Hands free pumping bra for work

If so, you should pump mid-morning.If you are pumping at work, you might need to factor in when you are available to pump. It is best to have a slightly flexible schedule. If you are able to better match the times of day when your baby would naturally be nursing, you will simply have a better milk supply from which to draw. However, this is not always possible in a work setting.

You might need to take scheduled breaks at work. Many mothers will pump during the workday at least once, typically during their longest break. If you can find a way to multitask while pumping, it will help you to feel more productive, rather than sitting there and simply watching your milk collect, which can drive some mothers batty.

If you can check emails or do some other type of work while pumping, that’s even better. But even if you’re on a break and are not working, pumping is a good time to read a book, to eat your lunch, or even to engage in a mindless computer game, if possible. You can do this with a hands free pumping bra or bustier. This hands-free blessing is an amazing thing and could radically change your outlook on pumping.

hands free pumping bra 2The key to pumping at work is timing. If you can pump at the same time every day, you and your milk supply will be better off and you will likely make more milk. Of course, consistent timing is not always possible, but it is ideal.

A hands-free setup for pumping can give you some sanity for pumping times and may actually increase the amount of time you pump.

Hands-free pumping is the ability to pump without needing to use your hands often. This can be accomplished by using a special bra or a special halter top. The bra simply has an added flap that comes down much like your standard nursing bra.

It can be used both as a normal bra and your hands free pumping bra. This extra flap actually holds your pump parts up while you pump. The halter is something that you wear. It fits tight against the body. This is what holds the pump parts on.

Find out more about:Top 3 Best hands free pumping bra Reviews

Hands free pumping bra for work

